Connecting with your Kids

You may have heard this term “connection” in your perusal of parenting blogs, books,...

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Help Your Child Talk (to you)

Do you ever wish that your child would tell you more about their life? 

Do you have a child...

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What to say instead of No

 Have you ever stopped to listen to yourself talk to your kids and realised that...

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Want a Confident Child?

If you’re like most parents, you’ll probably rank confidence as one of the qualities...

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Understanding Your Child's Behaviour


As parents, we often take our child’s behaviour at face value.  Especially when...

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10 Tips for Successfully Navigating The After School Meltdown

 If your child is over 3 and goes to pre-school or school, chances are you have probably...

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Setting Your Child up for Homework Success

Your school-aged child comes home from school.  They tell you a bit about the most memorable...

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Why and How to Set Limits & Routines

Are you routine-averse or a fan of structure? 

Most people have a preference for one or the...

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10 Proactive Strategies for a Peaceful Transition to School


Transitioning from pre-school or kindergarten to “proper” school is a big deal...

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5 Tips for Parenting Tweens & Emerging Teens


When your child was a feisty and unpredictable toddler who needed you for so many things,...

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