My Parent Toolkit with Miki Maruko.

Parenting and Life Coach for Mothers Raising Girls.

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Mama, it doesn't have to be this tough...

I know you've got dreams for your daughter and your relationship with her.

I know that you want to help her have a strong sense of who she is - to be unafraid to be herself and go after her own dreams. 

I know you want to have the kind of relationship where she feels safe in coming to you no matter what. 

I see you're tired of worrying. 

Tired of being frustrated, feeling guilty and having those moments when you question how to best help your daughter and be the mama deep down you want to be.

Tired of googling all the things, buying the latest parenting book recommendation, asking in groups, searching for answers and wading through so much conflicting advice.

Tired of witnessing yourself behave or sound like your own parents.

I know you want to feel confident that you're being the best mama that you can be. 

To feel that you're bringing out the best in your daughter and helping her be her authentic self. 

To delight in your daughter and feel like you're the best mama EVER.

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10 Things Your Daughter Wants You To Know

Here's the truth - there are things your daughter isn't telling you but she's desperate for you to know. 

Get these 10 insights for FREE right now so you can be the best mother ever.

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Hi, I'm Miki.

I help mamas be the confident, calm and conscious mamas they can be so that they can enjoy motherhood AND raise awesome girls.

I do this by supporting you in 3 main areas:


1) Refining your parenting skills

(e.g. communication, discipline, organization)

2) Managing Your Mind

(e.g. learn how your own brain impacts your parenting and family and how to manage it)

3) Getting Your Emotions to Align with your Desired Actions & Reactions

(e.g. emotional intelligence for you and your child)


I teach practical, peaceful skills and strategies to help you successfully navigate everyday parenting situations (misbehaviour, defiance, cooperation, independence, etc.)

I coach on all the stuff that gets in your way from being the mama you want to be and having the relationship with your daughter you want to have (finally ditch all the guilt and drama)

My background is in Psychology, Business, Child Development and Holistic Therapy and I am a certified Parent Practice Educator and multi-certified performance and life coach.

I have 3 amazing daughters who continually challenge me to show up and be the best version of myself and give me grace when I am human and don't quite manage it.

Ready for More?

Want to nurture your child's self-esteem?

Want to have a strong relationship with your child?

Want to stop feeling frustrated, disrespected, confused or worried?

Want to feel confident that you can show up as the calm, confident mother your child needs?

Want to ditch all the guilt and drama?

Book a FREE call and let's chat.

You'll tell me about your situation and I'll help you get clarity on your next steps forward. 

Yes! Let's chat.