About Miki

Hi, I'm Miki Maruko, Parent and Life Coach and Founder of My Parent Toolkit.com. 

I support parents to be the parent they want to be and help their child be and become their best selves. 

I do this by focusing on 3 main areas: 

1) Parenting Skills & Strategies

2) Mind Management

3) Emotional Awareness

I am a certified Parent Practice educator and have a background in Psychology, Business, Child Development, and Holistic Therapy.

I am passionate about empowering parents with inner confidence, positive strategies, and pragmatic tools to successfully navigate and manage everyday family life. 

I offer online parenting programs and virtual private coaching packages to parents worldwide through MyParentToolkit.com.

I'd like to think that I have a warm, attentive and pragmatic style and, of paramount importance, I always respect and work within your own family's values.

I believe that as parents of a future generation, we can have a massive, positive impact on the future of our world and humanity. 

We absolutely can do better than the parents before us and science-backed research has told us exactly how to do this. 

I offer a unique perspective to my clients, many of whom are globally mobile or living in cross-cultural situations.  I know first hand what that means.  I am raising bi-lingual, mixed race children, and understand the cross-cultural complexities that often accompany multicultural families and overseas living.

I have three vibrant children of my own and have been studying parenting skills and philosophies for over 10 years and have been a certified parent educator for 5 years.  

When my eldest child was a toddler, I felt out of control, inefficient, guilty, exhausted and that I was failing as a mother.  I was working, trying to do and juggle everything and the strategies that I was using weren't working.  Not only did I not like how I was behaving, I knew I wasn't helping my child in the way that I could and I wasn't enjoying motherhood. 

I took my first positive parenting course and gained the insight and skills to confidently manage and face any parenting situation with the knowledge that I was helping my children be and become their best selves - all whilst feeling good about and enjoying being a parent.  It was transformative.

It inspired me to continue my studies and train as a facilitator in order to share these skills and critical understanding to as many parents as possible.

I'm excited to support you on your parenting journey and help you become the parent you want to be!


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