When You're Worried about the New School Year

There has been a lot of discussion about the "return to school" this autumn.  Understandably.  There are so many variations of what that means this year - whether it's distance learning, split hours, split classes, pods, homeschooling or school as usual.

Regardless of what "school" or nursery looks like for your child this year, I want to address how you are thinking about their return to school.

You see, I have heard a lot of parents talk about their child and express their fears, worry or anxiety about how their child will cope.

There is worry about school friends - whether their child will make friends, have the same friends as the previous year, get along with new classmates, navigate tricky social situations. 

There is worry about confidence - Whether they will be able to stand up for themselves, be influenced by their peers, treat others with kindness, display the moral values we hope we've taught them.

There is worry about the learning - will they like their teacher, how will they manage with the increased level of homework or new content they have to learn, whether it's learning to read for the first time, exposure to a new subject or grappling with different teaching methods such as distance learning.

So much worry.  Which is, of course, quite normal really.

And behind those worries are fears... fears of

what if my child doesn't...

what if my child can't...

what if my child won't... 

what if my child isn't...

what if the other children...

Whilst it is very common to have these fears and worries, when we do, it is very difficult to hide these from our child.

And even if you try to hide them from your child, they will be able to detect a hint of your doubt.

It comes out in our tone of voice, our expressions, our body language.  Or possibly, a conversation with another parent that our child overhears or senses.

Imagine how your child might feel.

Then, what if, instead, your child FELT that you 100% believed in them. 

Believed in them more than they believed in themselves? 

That you are confident they will find their way, socially, personally, and intellectually? 

That you are confident in their ability to navigate the new school year and thrive, no matter the circumstances?

Imagine how your child might feel then?  

What thoughts can YOU think to begin to believe that your child will be okay?  I know you probably already tell yourself this superficially.  ("oh, I know they'll be fine...") But do you really believe it?  How can you begin to truly believe and have faith in your child?  

Because when YOU believe in your child, they will believe in themselves.  When your belief in them is bulletproof strong, they will feel it and be able to borrow that belief if theirs falters slightly - which for most children at the start of a new school year, it inevitably will at some point.

So instead of giving off the energy of fear and worry, exude the energy of belief and confidence.  Challenge yourself to think about all the positive traits your child has and have confidence this is enough to carry them through and even thrive in the new school year.  Challenge yourself to believe instead of fear.

Your child will feel the change in you. 

You might even notice that the things you say to them or questions you ask them after school change as a result of your positive belief shift.  So instead of  "who did you play with today or what did you do at school/nursery?" it might become "I'd love to hear about what fun you had today".  It becomes an invitation to share and delight rather than a question to appease your inner concerns.  And as this kind of invitation, your child will be much more willing to share all the details with you!

So...consider for just a moment...how have you been thinking about your child and their return to school?  What worries and fears have you had?  And if you have had some, how can you turn these around so that you 100% believe in your child to the extent that they feel it, whether you say anything or not?

Free Call

If you're ready to feel confident about your parenting and feel like you have the skills and strategies available to you to successfully parent through any situation, whether it's bedtimes, mornings, dealing with defiance or knowing how to best support your child, then I invite you to schedule a free call with me at bit.ly/callmiki.

We'll talk about where you and your family are right now and what you'd like things to look like.  I'll help you get clarity on what's standing in your way and your next steps.  It's 30 minutes dedicated to you and your family and an opportunity to receive AMAZING insights into what's going on and to begin to believe in what's possible for you and your family.


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