The Family Antidote to Stress

Right now in these unprecedented times, many children, parents and families are experiencing high levels of anxiety, stress and overwhelm as everyone adjusts to this new way of life and the uncertainty that lies ahead.

The levels of anxiety and stress might vary day to day or person to person.  They will depend on a person’s temperament and age, as well as how many factors that person is having to consider and adjust.

Regardless of how you feel you and your children are coping, there are bound to be moments of elevated stress in your home.  If only because everyone is together 24/7 and still trying to live their lives!

There is a simple way for reducing your stress levels whilst still being with your children.


Yes, play.

Some of us are better at it than others.  Some of us dread it more than others.  And right now, it's totally understandable if you don't feel like "playing" because you're juggling all the things, are already exhausted, or it feels like one more thing to feel guilty over.

The thing is, pure play is an antidote to stress.  

It releases endorphins and other happy chemicals in your body that helps neutralise your biological alert systems that have been activated by these unusual circumstances. 

Play and Stress literally cannot co-exist.  This is true for both adults and children. 

So if you want a relatively easy way to reduce everyone's stress and anxiety levels, try playing together. 

Get laughing, crying, moving, pretending, imagining, etc.  Together with your children.  

Again, it doesn't have to be for long, even 15 minutes will be hugely beneficial for everyone's stress levels.  

And what if you don't like to "play"?  Well, perhaps broaden your definition of what it is.  Turning up the music and dancing together counts.  Having a sock fight across the living room counts.  Reading a story together and making different voices for each character counts.  Jumping on the trampoline together counts.   

One definition of play is to "engage in activity for enjoyment or recreation... to take part". 

That's it. 

Actively engage - Enjoy - Take Part.

Put down your phone.  Shut your laptop.  Step away from all your worries and fears and take a moment to actively engage and be in the moment. 

Laugh with your kids. 

Delight in them. 

Not only does play reduce stress levels, it can also strengthen your relationship with your child and remind you of all their goodness.   

And for your child, it can help them feel safe by lowering their anxiety levels, lessen their worries and bring them back to the present moment (where they thrive).

So, if you’re sensing stress or anxiety levels in your family, try to create time in your schedule to play with your kids. 

I know some of you love playing with your kids, others of you really struggle with it.  And right now, if you're in the latter camp it may feel even more tough than usual.  So be kind to yourself and ease into it.  Even 15 minutes can make a huge difference.

If this is tough for you, then set aside only 15 minutes.  You can do that.  And I guarantee you'll all feel a whole lot better at the end of it!

Also know that right now, our children need us to help them feel strong and confident.  Their daily lives have been turned upside-down (yes, I know, ours have too!) and like all of us, we can reduce our stress if we focus on what we can control.

So, when you're playing with your kids, in an age-appropriate way, try to give them as much control as possible.  And let them win if you can (at least some of the time!).  Yes, it's contrived, but trust me, it will help them understand that it's possible.

Outside of play, try to give your child reasonable, acceptable choices where appropriate.  Let them feel capable, strong and independent. 

Let them feel that sense of control and autonomy. 

Can they decide what clothes to wear?  What order to do things in?  What the family dinner will be tonight? How much food they put on their plate?  Which plate?  

Too often we're too efficient at helping our children or running our family that we unknowingly stop them from doing them themselves or becoming more independent. 

They need this now more than ever, so try to stop before you do and have a think if your child could "do" or "decide". 

We have more time than ever right now, so at least that pressure is off!

Remember, play is not only the "work" of children, it's also hugely therapeutic and can help reduce the stress and anxiety levels of the whole family.  

Try this magic antidote today!


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