Delight in your Children (Activities for the Summer Holidays)

Sometimes the summer holidays can feel like they are never-ending and the return to school feels like a looong time away....

We need to remind ourselves that summer CAN be a magical time with children...

Try to take a moment each day away from the chores and work and just play and have fun with your children.

These are the moments they will remember later in life and are the building blocks for deeper emotional connection.

For the older kids, limit screen time to a certain hour of the day and encourage reading/library time as routine.

If chores and household work still need attention, get the kids involved and teach them these valuable life skills by making them fun and interesting - get creative!

Here are some ideas for some fun summer family activities:

- Put on the sprinklers in the garden - water the garden and let the kids have some water play

- Paddling pool in the garden / go swimming / go to the seaside

- Go on a hike / take a walk / bike ride and watch the sunset together

- Set up a tent and let the kids "camp" in the garden for a night

- Explore nature - learn about local flora/fauna and critters

- Allow a "late night" and keep the kids up to stargaze

- Enjoy some crafts activities together - painting, play-doh, drawing, hamma beads.... Or create something out of stuff you have lying about the house/recycling - have a family sculpture building contest.

- Cook together - make popsicles, jelly, fairy cakes.  Teach older children to cook basic meals.

- Listen to music together, dance together, tell each other jokes, create jokes, make each other laugh.

- Read together, explore libraries, museums.  

You don't need lavish holidays to create happy childhood memories... you just need moments of mindful presence with your children, connecting, having fun and laughing as much as possible!

It only takes minutes and the effects can last a lifetime!


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